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A grim picture of the Hessian decapitating his victims wildly,
while leading his men to victory.
The tree of the dead in which the Hessian horseman comes out,
to go kill his next victim, by chopping off their head.
This was the second poster to come out and Introduce the Hit movie, in Nov 15, 1999
This is a picture of the windmill in which Lady Van Tassel is leadin the horseman
towards the three victims in the windmill (Ichabod,Katrina,and Young Masbath) but mainly
to come and behead Katrina.
Behind the Scenes, with Miranda Richardson and Tim Burton, with him spraying his bottle at her
and her holding the ax trying to avoid the water.
And this is the 1st poster to come out and introduce the hit movie on Nov 15, 1999
EWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! imagine having to jump into that every night,
gosh that would get old.